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Stop Leaving Money on the Table: Increase Foot Traffic During Off-Hours

Updated: Nov 28, 2023

You're leaving money on the table.

As a business owner, we know that you want to optimize every avenue available to drive sales and maximize revenue. But one often overlooked opportunity lies in the off-hours when there is minimal traffic.

During off-hours, businesses often experience a decrease in foot traffic at their venues. ` Your usual customers are probably busy with work. They will surely visit you once or twice a week during their usual times, say for breakfast or for dinner.

But what about the day-time? Surely, some of them love your restaurant, your food and your service so much that they’ll visit for lunch with their client. But have you ever thought about tapping into the segment that is free when your restaurant is empty?

You can target these segments of people. And targeting them doesn’t need your blood, sweat or tears. But there’s one tiny problem: competition.

In today’s world of intense competition for attention, numerous competitors are vying for the attention of your potential customers and it becomes increasingly challenging to stand out and capture your audience's interest.

Everybody is doubling down on their social media content. A lot have been implementing digital marketing strategies. But we can offer you something more effective and at a lower cost. How does that sound?

Enter SMS marketing – a powerful tool to connect with your audience and drive conversions even during the quieter times. Here’s why SMS marketing can be a game changer for your business:

  1. Instant and direct communication: SMS marketing allows you to reach your potential customer's mobile devices directly, ensuring that your message is delivered to their fingertips in real-time. Unlike emails or social media posts that can be easily overlooked or delayed, text messages have an open rate of over 98%, making them a highly effective channel for immediate communication.

  2. High engagement and response rates: With SMS, you can tap into your potential customer's most personal and easily accessible offline mode of communication. People tend to check their text messages within minutes, resulting in higher open and response rates compared to other communication channels. This level of engagement can lead to increased conversions and sales.

  3. Personalization and segmentation: SMS marketing platforms allow you to segment your audience based on various criteria such as age, gender, location, preferences, or purchase history. By sending targeted and personalized messages, you can tailor your offers and promotions to each recipient, increasing the chances of conversion.

  4. Automation and scheduling: Implementing SMS marketing doesn't mean you have to be glued to your phone or stay up late manually sending messages. SMS marketing platforms provide automation features, enabling you to schedule messages in advance. You can effortlessly create campaigns, set delivery times, and engage with your potential customers even during off-hours without being physically present.

  5. Cost-effectiveness: SMS marketing offers an excellent return on investment. Compared to traditional advertising channels, SMS campaigns are relatively affordable, making them accessible to businesses of all sizes. With its high engagement rates and increased conversions, SMS marketing can quickly pay for itself and generate substantial revenue.

Don't let off-hours be a missed opportunity for your business.

With Torus, you can overcome this missed potential and explore a cost-effective solution to help you capitalize on these untapped hours at your restaurant.

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